In my Rails controller, I'm creating multiple instances of the same model class. I want to add some RSpec expectations so I can test that it is creating the correct number with the correct parameters. So, here's what I have in my spec:
Bandmate.should_receive(:create).with(:band_id =>, :user_id =>, :position_id => 1, :is_leader => true) Bandmate.should_receive(:create).with(:band_id =>, :user_id => "2222", :position_id => 2) Bandmate.should_receive(:create).with(:band_id =>, :user_id => "3333", :position_id => 3) Bandmate.should_receive(:create).with(:band_id =>, :user_id => "4444", :position_id => 4)
This is causing problems because it seems that the Bandmate class can only have 1 "should_receive" expectation set on it. So, when I run the example, I get the following error:
Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'BandsController should create all the bandmates when created' Mock 'Class' expected :create with ({:band_id=>1014, :user_id=>999, :position_id=>1, :is_leader=>true}) but received it with ({:band_id=>1014, :user_id=>"2222", :position_id=>"2"})
Those are the correct parameters for the second call to create, but RSpec is testing against the wrong parameters.
Does anyone know how I can set up my should_receive expectations to allow multiple different calls?