




Hi there people,

I am currently relearning Ocaml and am in the need of a good editor. There is a new editor from OcamlForge: OCamlEditor http://ocamleditor.forge.ocamlcore.org/. Prerequisite for installation is Lablgtk2.

Installing Lablgtk2 on windows is not straight forward and there is good instruction here: http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/lsl/install-win32.txt

I have completed the first two steps and in the third step, as warned, it is failing on the native code version. This is where I am left stranded. How do I check to see if the assembler is on my path? What am I missing here?

Please help me move forward from this point.

Sincere thanks.


+2  A: 

You have an MSVC installation, right? By default MSVC doesn't add command-line tools (cl - compiler, ml - assembler, link - linker) to the PATH (and needed directories to INCLUDE and LIB). But it provides a shell script to do this - MSVS9\Commnot7\Tools\vsvars32.bat. Copy it somewhere to the PATH so that you can easily call it any time needed. Then, before running ocaml compiler call vsvars32.bat to setup the environment. You can make this environment permanent by looking at changes to %INCLUDE%, %LIB% and %PATH% variables made by this script and adding them manually to environment variables of current user (usual windows gui insanity - My Computer -> Additional -> Environment variables).
