I use the Spooky one I think it is from Rob Connery, nice and dark.
Background: White
Text: Black
Tags/Functions: Blue
Attributes: Navy
Comments: Dark Green
Strings: Different Shade of Dark Green
Can't go past John Lams Vibrant ink Theme myself - I like the Borland Vibrant theme on the Hanselman link too.
Last place I contracted at were all using the standard Vs theme, and by the time I left they all were using the Vibrant Ink theme or something similar.
Vibrant Ink is a very nice color scheme. I spend most of my time these days in Notepad++ and the Ruby Blue Port was the only one I can find. It's a good thing I'm quite fond of it. There is a similar Visual Studio Port.
Straight up GNU Emacs:
(if (or (eq window-system 'w32) (eq window-system 'x) )
( progn (global-font-lock-mode t) ; colorize all files
(set-background-color "black")
(set-foreground-color "green")
(set-cursor-color "green")
(set-face-foreground 'modeline "black")
(set-face-background 'modeline "grey")
(set-face-foreground 'region "snow")
(set-face-background 'region "black")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-comment-face "salmon")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-function-name-face "skyblue1")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-variable-name-face "gold3")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-type-face "green3")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-keyword-face "cyan")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-constant-face "LightSlateBlue")
(set-face-background 'fringe "grey20")
(set-frame-width (selected-frame) 110)
(set-frame-height (selected-frame) 55)
) )
Background: gray background Text: light gray Comments and JavaDoc: light green Attributes: purple Keywords: light blue
RANT This is one of the down falls of Eclipse, in how hard it is to keep color scheme's between versions. There is about 7 places to make changes and you still don't get them all. END RANT
I have written a theme generator for Visual Studio themes. It's really simple (you input 3 colors -- it shoots out theme based on the contrasting values). Maybe it will be useful to some pepole... http://www.frickinsweet.com/tools
Yellow on black provides the best contrast. I always change my command shells to look like that.
Something an old developer told me after I asked him about his dark color scheme -
"You have a high energy electron gun pointed at your head. how energetic do you want these electrons to be?"
ofcouse, that was back in the CRT age.
Zenburn(Emacs version) or Arjen depending of the lighting in the room where I'm working. Zenburn feels easier for eyes when it's dark, but Arjen is better when you are using glossy screen on a sunny day.
modified SciTE - nothing fancy but it aint easy finding an editor that makes CF look good.
I'm going to buck the trend, I have been programming for a very long time and I turn off most syntax coloring. I do black text on a white background, except dark blue for comments and dark green for string constants, that's it.
I use Moria Alternate but I've replaced the default Deja Vu Sans Mono with Consolas
I use Oren Ellenbogen's Dark Scheme but slightly tweaked so that the fonts are a little smaller and some of the colours are a little more obvious
I created a script which each time it is called creates a gnometerm with a different colored background using gnometerm's profiles. It cycles through a series of profiles each of which has a foreground text color of black, and a background color that's some pale blue, green, orange, red, yellow, etc. It tie this script to an icon on the panel.
The effect is more or less like black on white, in that the coloration is subtle enough that it doesn't draw attention to itself, but enough so that your mind knows "the yellow one is for compiling", the "blue one is vi editing my program, and the green one is a vi editing a header file." etc.
I have used a similar program, but I'm finding myself drawn towards a scheme where a parchement-y color is the background more.
Although I can't seem to find one for notepad++.
I'm pretty sure there's a famous scheme with that approach, but I can't remember it.
I used Borland Pascal a lot when I was young, so I seem to add a bit of blue to the dark schemes every time. But only a slight tint.
I use a colour scheme based on StackOverflow:
Can be downloaded here: http://www.paulstovell.com/paulstovell-color-scheme
Lets check ZENBURN color scheme for visual studio.net. Refer below mentioned url.
This color scheme is used to work with low light condition.
I recently wrote an article about designing a theme for VS2010:
I've tried to put a bit of thought into it - rather than the usual "pick random colors that sort of match".
I usually use the default Intellij theme (white background, black text), but in the past I have used and enjoyed a slightly modified Dark Pastels, and Angry Fruit Salad.
Dark Pastels:
There's now a site which is collecting Visual Studio themes from enthusiasts like us:
Looks like there's a lot of good stuff there already.
I use the default Visual Studio theme, but I have two plugins that add more colour: Codekana (brackets and control statements) and Visual Assist (types, variables, macros, and methods).
I spend more time in GVim, and I like the desert colorscheme. I recently started developing my own variant on desert called sandydune that adds more colouring.
Cobalt for the win. Before Cobalt I would get quite bad eyestrain, with it things are very easy and cruisy. I find the blue quite relaxing too, never hurts my eyes.
The theme is available for Aptana (Eclipse), Textmate and Espresso. Pity it isn't there for Coda :-(