I'm using the Ruby SVN bindings built with SWIG. Here's a little tutorial.
When I do this
@repository = Svn::Repos.open('/path/to/repository')
I can access the repository fine. But when I do this
@repository = Svn::Repos.open('svn://localhost/some/path')
It fails with
/SourceCache/subversion/subversion-35/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c:2710: 2: Can't open file 'svn://localhost/format': No such file or directory
When I do this from the command line, I do get output
svn ls svn://localhost/some/path
Any ideas why I can't use the svn:// protocol?
Here's what I ended up doing, and it works.
require 'svn/ra'
class SvnWrapper
def initialize(repository_uri, repository_username, repository_password)
# Remove any trailing slashes from the path, as the SVN library will choke
# if it finds any.
@repository_uri = repository_uri.gsub(/[\/]+$/, '')
# Initialize repository session.
@context = Svn::Client::Context.new
@context.add_simple_prompt_provider(0) do |cred, realm, username, may_save|
cred.username = repository_username
cred.password = repository_password
cred.may_save = true
config = {}
callbacks = Svn::Ra::Callbacks.new(@context.auth_baton)
@session = Svn::Ra::Session.open(@repository_uri, config, callbacks)
def ls(relative_path, revision = nil)
relative_path = relative_path.gsub(/^[\/]+/, '').gsub(/[\/]+$/, '')
entries, properties = @session.dir(relative_path, revision)
return entries.keys.sort
def info(relative_path, revision = nil)
path = File.join(@repository_uri, relative_path)
data = {}
@context.info(path, revision) do |dummy, infoStruct|
# These values are enumerated at http://svn.collab.net/svn-doxygen/structsvn__info__t.html.
data['url'] = infoStruct.URL
data['revision'] = infoStruct.rev
data['kind'] = infoStruct.kind
data['repository_root_url'] = infoStruct.repos_root_url
data['repository_uuid'] = infoStruct.repos_UUID
data['last_changed_revision'] = infoStruct.last_changed_rev
data['last_changed_date'] = infoStruct.last_changed_date
data['last_changed_author'] = infoStruct.last_changed_author
data['lock'] = infoStruct.lock
return data