PLEASE CHECK ANSWERS by VolkerK too, he provided another solution, but I can't mark two posts as answer. :(
Good day!
I know that C# allows multiple iterators using yield, like described here:
In PHP there is and Iterator interface. Is it possible to implement more than one iteration scenario for a class?
More details (EDIT):
For example I have class TreeNode implementing single tree node. The whole tree can be expressed using only one this class. I want to provide iterators for iterating all direct and indirect children of current node, for example using BreadthFirst or DepthFirst order.
I can implement this Iterators as separate classes but doing so I need that tree node should expose it's children collection as public.
C# pseudocode:
public class TreeNode<T>
public IEnumerable<T> DepthFirstEnumerator
// Some tree traversal using 'yield return'
public IEnumerable<T> BreadthFirstEnumerator
// Some tree traversal using 'yield return'