



Hey everybody,

I developed an Eclipse plugin (a view) using the plugin development version of Eclipse. I exported the plugin as a jar archive and now I would like import it in another version of Eclipse, but it doesn't recognize the plugin.

This is my first plugin so I might have forgotten something obvious. I searched the internet for hours but didn't find anything. Does anybody know what else I have to do?

Btw, the dependencies of my plugin are: org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.core.runtime, org.eclipse.core.filesystem, edu.tum.cs.eclipse.commons, org.eclipse.ui.ide, org.eclipse.core.resources

The version I'd like to import it in is the default Eclipse for PHP Developers from The feature list can be found on

Thanks for you help!

+1  A: 

10 minutes after asking the question, I solved the problem...

Setting up an update site as suggested here ( provided the proper errors and I could set up the plugin.
