This code is supposed to be able to sort the items in self.array based upon the order of the characters in self.order. The method sort runs properly until the third iteration, unil for some reason the for loop seems to repeat indefinitely. What is going on here?
Edit: I'm making my own sort function because it is a bonus part of a python assignment I have.
class sorting_class:
def __init__(self):
self.array = ['ca', 'bd', 'ac', 'ab'] #An array of strings
self.arrayt = []
self.globali = 0
self.globalii = 0
self.order = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] #Order of characters
self.orderi = 0
self.carry = []
self.leave = []
self.sortedlist = []
def sort(self):
for arrayi in self.arrayt: #This should only loop for the number items in self.arrayt. However, the third time this is run it seems to loop indefinitely.
print ('run', arrayi) #Shows the problem
if self.order[self.orderi] == arrayi[self.globali]:
if self.globali != 0:
def srt(self):
self.arrayt = self.array
my.sort() #First this runs the first time.
while len(self.sortedlist) != len(self.array):
if len(self.carry) == 1:
self.arrayt = self.leave
self.leave = []
self.carry = []
self.globali = 1
self.orderi = 0
elif len(self.carry) == 0:
if len(self.leave) != 0: #Because nothing matches 'aa' during the second iteration, this code runs the third time"
self.arrayt = self.leave
self.globali = 1
self.orderi += 1
self.arrayt = self.array
self.globalii += 1
self.orderi = self.globalii
self.globali = 0
self.orderi = 0
else: #This is what runs the second time.
self.arrayt = self.carry
self.carry = []
self.globali += 1
my = sorting_class()