



what are the best books to learn about junit, jmock and testing generally? Currently I'm reading pragmatic unit testing in Java, I'm on chapter 6 its good but it gets complicated.. is there a book for a bottom up? from your experience which helped you get the testing concept

+1  A: 

Test Driven Developemnt by Kent Beck is the original. Read it's great. But the best way to learn is to practice. Check out different Katas (exercises) at the dojo site.

Rickard von Essen
+2  A: 

For me, the best thing that has helped me learn unit testing is reading the many blogs out there.

After that there are books such as Test Driven Development by Example by Kent Beck, xUnit Test Patterns, The Art of Unit Testing etc.

Some books are for java, others for C#...I don't really think it matters which language you read about TDD in as it all helps in one way or another.

@mezoid thank you , I'm specified in particular books that benefited you, interested in writting unit test in java not other languages, I did already download bunch of books including some from the list but I want to see what is recommended by expirirenced developers..
Gandalf StormCrow

Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests is a great title. Contains lots of examples, which is always better than a purely academic talk.

If you have any questions about real life problems or examples from any of your books, just ask a question here.

@Grzenio thank you I'll have a look of it, I can't really ask questions with my code here since it is corporate property.. Thats why I need to read, code, code and figure it out on my own
Gandalf StormCrow
@GandalfStormCrow, the corporate property of the code can be an issue... You can always try to recreate the problem in a sandbox (call classes A, B, etc)