
I see you also posted this same question to Django-users. I'll copy the answer I've posted there:

Firstly, it is no use just giving the name of the error. Errors come with tracebacks, for good reason: they allow us to see exactly where the error is occurring, and the context.

Anyway, in your case, there doesn't seem to be any need to use save_m2m. The documentation states:

"Calling save_m2m() is only required if you use save(commit=False)"

In your case, you've already saved the form to get the new_restaurant instance, and you're adding tags to that instance with no problem. The last two calls, to new_restaurant.save() and form.save_m2m(), are unnecessary.

Daniel Roseman
I actually need the form.save_m2m() because I've got another m2m field in my Restaurant model (I updated the code). I've added the traceback.

You don't need either of the last two "save" calls. Your tags relation will be implicitly saved by virtue of the add(). I'd just drop those from the code.

Brian Luft
I actually need the form.save_m2m() because I've got another m2m field in my Restaurant model (I updated the code).