




I have a php file (currently at / ) and I want this file to change the content of a file, "test.js". This file is in the dir "/libs/js/test.js". While I can read the content, for example with fread or file_get_contents, I can not write in it with file_put_contents or any other function. I always get the Warning

Warning: rename() [function.rename]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/libs/js/test.js) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/web166/:/usr/bin/) in /var/www/web166/html/info.php on line 88

Does anyone have any idea what to do? Thanks in advance.



yeah, well, i am refering to the webserver root of my account.Since I only have a hosted webspace i can not access the php ini. so no way to turn it off, is there? Any otehr ideas?

Lukas Oppermann
could there be any other error/mistake I made? What else could I check?
Lukas Oppermann