



Our team is currently using plain old TFS 2005, no branching, shared checkouts etc... I would like to introduce a DEV/MAIN/PROD branching system simillar to the basic flavor in the TFS Guidance document so that we can do some parallel dev, isolation, and firm up review and deployment processes.

I have read most of the whitepapers etc. Do you guys have any practical advice, suggested tools, gotchas or reccomendations. Also, we plan to migrate to 2010 once it comes out - not sure if that would affect anything. I appreciate all the suggestions and help I can get as I am a branching neophyte. Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

Hi, We have been using Branching and Merging for the simmilar development setup. You can read my blog article here for a little help and introduction to TFS.

Jojo Sardez