I need to parse a file with the following format.
0000000 ...ISBN.. ..Author.. ..Title.. ..Edit.. ..Year.. ..Pub.. ..Comments.. NrtlExt Nrtl Next Navg NQoH UrtlExt Urtl Uext Uavg UQoH ABS NEB MBS FOL
ABE0001 0-679-73378-7 ABE WOMAN IN THE DUNES (INT'L ED) 1st 64 RANDOM 0.00 13.90 0.00 10.43 0 21.00 10.50 6.44 3.22 2 2.00 0.50 2.00 2.00 ABS
The ID and ISBN are not a problem, the title is. There is no set length for these fields, and there are no solid delimiters- the space can be used for most of the file.
Another issue is that there is not always an entry in the comments field. When there is, there are spaced within the content.
So I can get the first two, and the last fourteen. I need some help figuring out how to parse the middle six fields.
This file was generated by an older program that I cannot change. I am using php to parse this file.