



Hi All,

I'm modifying the Product Form to add in a field that allows a tagline for products. In the database, I've created a new field in the jos_vm_product table and added an entry in the $fields array in the ps.product.php file.

In my product.product_form.php file I've used this code to insert the tagline into the database:

<textarea class="inputbox" name="product_tagline" id="product_tagline" cols="35" rows="4" ><?php echo $db->sf("product_tagline"); ?></textarea> 

And the problem that is occurring is the db field is not being populated nor are there any error messages.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Seems like you forgot to modify the model.

Model for the product table is located in admin section


Modify two functions add() and update(). Make sure the *product_tagline* is included in the SQL statement.
