Is it possible to create a website without css?
Is it possible to create a website without css?
Yes its possible, but it would look like a notepad document... i dont know why you would want to do that..
Yeah, you can. It will be all white with just text though.
CSS styling is what makes websites look the way they do along with the design... its pretty important.
Yes it is and as those who have come before me have said it will look like note pad mostly. You can do a bit of formating and such with depreciated tags and such but it is very poor form. Additionally every element does take the style="" as a parameter but this is in essence, css. There isn't really another option.
You can try an automated website creation tool. There are thousands of options.
Yes, and you could even style it with element attributes and lay it out with tables. This is exactly why CSS was invented though, because it's a pain in the rear to do it this way and it goes against semantic markup.
You can alsoways use Font. However, I suggest you to learn CSS as well as It gives you to implement a lot more styles and a lot more flexibility.
For flexibility, for example, If you have decided to make all your headings as Verdana and color green, you would write something like this for all of your headings in many of your pages..
<h1><font face="verdana" color="green">This is some text!</font></h1>
After sometime, If you decide to change all the headings to appear in Arial and look green, you have to change each of those font tags. Instead, you create something like below :-
Put the above in a CSS file say MyStyle.css and reference the following in all of your pages inside the header:-
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="style.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen>
After this, anytime you want to change the color and style name of your heading1, you change only in the MyStyle.css and then the styles will get applied on Heading1 in all your pages.
Yes you can. You can use flash or silverlight and it will look even better than when you use css and html, these technologies have the ability to also call php codes.