We have some code where the user clicks a link which launches a pop up window. The code that creates the window then does an HTTP post to the window. Once the post has succeeded, the page is redirected (as a javascript location) to a PDF that was created during the post.
One person is getting an error where the posted data is not getting posted. In fact, the request is coming across as a GET.
Originally I thought this may be some kind of bookmark to the original page issue. But it happens in two different places that use the same concept in a different manner. And, since the post is triggered through JavaScript and the result is immediately relocated it would be no trivial matter to actually get a link to the original page.
So, the question is, are there any "pop-up" blocker like security tools that would allow pop-up's but convert all POSTS on them to GETS?
Example Call:
function LoadPDF(File){
document.forms[0].PDF.value = File;
win = "Window" + Math.round(Math.random()*100000);
function SubmitForm(){
document.forms[0].action = 'CreatePDF.cfm';
document.forms[0].target = win;
//Give window time to open.