Since this is a beta-1 release, Is there anything which I should especially be worried about?
I've used it for a long time and know several others that have done so without any problems. So I wouldn't be worried if I were you. But I haven't tested all the stuff like SQL queries and other db stuff you can do with drush. But it's really good for downloading modules, disabling/enabling modules, clearing cache and other stuff like that, that you tend to do a lot when developing.
2010-03-17 14:06:38
Drush is awesome. It does it's job well. The only thing to be wary of are things like:
- Have you modified any contrib modules yourself?
- "Stable" new releases may contain
bug(s) the maintainer did not
But Drush does provide a backup of contrib modules to /backups.
2010-03-17 14:29:41