.Net defines a "Trace Source" concept, allowing configuration files to specify which trace sources to listen for messages on. WCF provides several trace sources, and I would presume that other portions of the .Net Framework BCL publish other trace sources as well. What is the list of trace source names published to by the BCL?
Not including WPF and WWF, I'm seeing:
- "System.Net"
- "System.Net.HttpListener"
- "System.Net.Sockets"
- "System.Net.Cache"
- "System.Runtime.Serialization.CodeGeneration"
- "System.ServiceModel.OperationInvoker.CodeGeneration"
- "System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging"
And one for VB.NET's My.Application.Log
Note that these are trace source names, not class names. You can use Red Gate's Reflector to find this yourself.
Hans Passant
2010-03-17 17:15:56