



I'm using Hibernate 3.2.7.GA criteria queries to select rows from an Oracle Enterprise Edition database, filtering by a timestamp field. The field in question is of type java.util.Date in Java, and DATE in Oracle.

It turns out that the field gets mapped to java.sql.Timestamp, and Oracle converts all rows to TIMESTAMP before comparing to the passed in value, bypassing the index and thereby ruining performance.

One solution would be to use Hibernate's sqlRestriction() along with Oracle's TO_DATE function. That would fix performance, but requires rewriting the application code (lots of queries).

So is there a more elegant solution? Since Hibernate already does type mapping, could it be configured to do the right thing?

Update: The problem occurs in a variety of configurations, but here's one specific example:

  • Oracle Enterprise Edition
  • Oracle JDBC Driver
  • Hibernate 3.2.7.GA
  • Hibernate's Oracle10gDialect
  • Java 1.6.0_16

This might sound drastic, but when faced with this problem we ended up converting all DATE columns to TIMESTAMP types in the database. There's no drawback to this that I can see, and if Hibernate is your primary application platform then you'll save yourself future aggravation.


  • The column types may be changed with a simple "ALTER tableName MODIFY columnName TIMESTAMP(precisionVal)".

  • I was surprised to find that indexes on these columns did NOT have to be

Again, this only makes sense if you're committed to Hibernate.

The downsize is that you more than double the space requirements. Date requires 8 bytes while timestamp takes 20 bytes.
Scott Bailey
Another downside is that a (DATE - DATE) results in a NUMBER datetype, but a (TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP) results in an INTERVAL datatype. So it is possible that such a 'simple' conversion will break existing logic.
Thanks for your suggestions, but unfortunately, converting all DATE coulmns is not an option at the moment.