I have some random string, let's say :
s = "This string has some verylongwordsneededtosplit"
I'm trying to write a function trunc_string(string, len) that takes string as argument to operate on and 'len' as the number of chars after long words will be splitted.
The result should be something like that
str = trunc_string(s, 10)
str = "This string has some verylongwo rdsneededt osplit"
For now I have something like this :
def truncate_long_words(s, num):
"""Splits long words in string"""
words = s.split()
for word in words:
if len(word) > num:
split_words = list(words)
After this part I have this long word as a list of chars. Now I need to :
- join 'num' chars together in some word_part temporary list
- join all word_parts into one word
- join this word with the rest of words, that weren't long enough to be splitted.
Should I make it in somehow similar way ? :
counter = 0
for char in split_words:
counter = counter+1
if counter == num
And here I should somehow join all the word_part together creating word and further on