I have a fairly large model and I want to retrieve only a select set of fields for each record in order to keep the JSON string I am building small.
Using :select with find works great but my key goal is to use conditional logic with an associated model. Is the only way to do this really with a lamda in a named scope? I'm dreading that perhaps unnecessarily but I'd like to understand if there is a way to make the :select work with a condition.
This works:
@sites = Site.find :all, :select => 'id,foo,bar'
When I try this:
@sites = Site.find :all, :select => 'id,foo,bar', :include => [:relatedmodel],
:conditions => ["relatedmodel.type in (?)", params[:filters]]
The condition works but each record includes all of the Site attributes which makes my JSON string way way too large.
Thanks for any pointers!