If I develop with version 1.2.6 of the App Engine SDK, once I publish to production will my app still be using version 1.2.6 of all of the libraries on the production app engine? Or will it automatically use the latest version of the core app engine libraries?
1It looks like it will continue to use the old libraries until you manually upgrade the libraries contained in your application. From the Google App Engine Java documentation:
This API is represented by the appengine-api-*.jar included with the SDK (where * represents the version of the API and the SDK). You select the version of the API your application uses by including this JAR in the application's WEB-INF/lib/ directory. If a new version of the Java runtime environment is released that introduces changes that are not compatible with existing apps, that environment will have a new version number. Your application will continue to use the previous version until you replace the JAR with the new version (from a newer SDK) and re-upload the app.