I am having trouble understanding the terms of the LGPL in light of a program that is not written in C or C++. They speak of libraries being linked and 'derivitive' works. If I were to package a php program and sell it, but within the program the deployment mechanism used the phing package (full up with the entire contents as is and un modified) - would I be violating the terms of the LGPL?
For example, If this was a C program that was compiled by linking the phing 'library' then the answer would be easier, it is a derivitive work and therefore unless released under the GPL will not be considered free and also a violation. But this situation is different. I am not linking and not producing a derivitive, i am simply using phing as a deployment tool to move files around and set up the enviornment.
Can someone shed some light? Thank you!
EDIT I see, so because I am simply using the functionality of the library and not modifying it in any way, whether or not I distribute it along with my, lets say, highly proprietary and expensive software package, is of no consequence. Do I have that correct?
In my case I am packaging a potentially proprietary and fee oriented web software with a complete and unmolested library that contains LGPL licensing - the GPL does not come into play because I am not modifying the code and because I am distributing it along with mine unmolested in its original form, I am OK. Right? I only ask because I thought this was actually wrong. I was under the impression that something GPL'ed cannot be redistributed in anyway non-modified or not under any other form of closed licensing.