




I am having trouble understanding the terms of the LGPL in light of a program that is not written in C or C++. They speak of libraries being linked and 'derivitive' works. If I were to package a php program and sell it, but within the program the deployment mechanism used the phing package (full up with the entire contents as is and un modified) - would I be violating the terms of the LGPL?

For example, If this was a C program that was compiled by linking the phing 'library' then the answer would be easier, it is a derivitive work and therefore unless released under the GPL will not be considered free and also a violation. But this situation is different. I am not linking and not producing a derivitive, i am simply using phing as a deployment tool to move files around and set up the enviornment.

Can someone shed some light? Thank you!

EDIT I see, so because I am simply using the functionality of the library and not modifying it in any way, whether or not I distribute it along with my, lets say, highly proprietary and expensive software package, is of no consequence. Do I have that correct?

In my case I am packaging a potentially proprietary and fee oriented web software with a complete and unmolested library that contains LGPL licensing - the GPL does not come into play because I am not modifying the code and because I am distributing it along with mine unmolested in its original form, I am OK. Right? I only ask because I thought this was actually wrong. I was under the impression that something GPL'ed cannot be redistributed in anyway non-modified or not under any other form of closed licensing.

+1  A: 

You are fine to distribute / use the LGPL library either obfuscated or unobfuscated. The derivative works clause in the LGPL basically says that if you modify a library, the library must continue to serve its original purpose under the same name. If libfoo determines the square root of a number via its fooroot() function, that function must continue to serve the same purpose if you modify and distribute the library under the same name. This is really intended just to prevent confusion and breakage. Its a non-issue, you have noted that you aren't making any modifications.

The other thing is understanding linking, and the intent of using the term linking in the license. The minute two things are combined in the same address space (memory) simply by running a program as directed, they can pretty much be considered linked, even if there was no linker being involved.

In your case, there's no issue either way. Even if the library was GPL (not LGPL), if you are just using PHP as a delivery mechanism, there would be no reason to not provide the source code to what you convey. However in the case of the LGPL, that is no longer a requirement.

Tim Post
I *think* I understand this, mind looking over my edits? I believe you are saying that because I did not modify the library I am free to redistribute it regardless of my overall package licensing?
@Matt1776: You are free to distribute it even if you _did_ modify it. I was just pointing out what the LGPL requires in the case of modifications. And yes, you are free to package and distribute free software on the same media as non-free software.
Tim Post
I am more confident now - thank you Tim for taking some time to explain this :0)