




Hi all.

I'm looking to get up to speed on JMS for my job. Is there a JMS book that is a must have, or are some better than others? Or will any do?

+4  A: 

The JMS Specification is not too verbose.

Also, take a look at the code samples here

If you want a book, then you need to get a fairly recent one, as the latest version of the JMS API has been simplified (using MessageProducer and MessageConsumer instead of Queue/Topic-specific senders/recievers).

If you are intending to use JMS with with traditional Java EE Message Driven Beans, then a book on EJB3 would be a good bet.

If you are intending to use JMS in a Spring environment, then take a look here. Spring also supports 'Message-Driven POJOs' - ie: classes that do not implement MessageListener.

Enjoy :-)

+1  A: 

Manning's open source ESBs is a pretty good book on ESBs. ESBs use JMS so this books does cover JMS but not in the greatest details. O'Reilly has one book BUT I am not sure how up to date it is.

If you wanted to know about Integration patterns, you can get to know about it Enterprise Integration Patterns

Good Luck.

+1  A: 

Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe is the best I book I found that has many patterns and best practices that would give you very nice ideas how to design and implement things. Apart from this one, the rest are quite basic and repetitive.
