For the example you give you could try to use an anti-pattern to disqualify invalid results. For example "^[^a]" would tell you you're input "c..." can't match your example pattern of "aabb".
Depending on your pattern you may be able to break it up into smaller patterns to check and use multiple matchers and then set their bounds as one match occurs and you move to the next. This approach may work but if you're pattern is complex and can have variable length sub-parts you may end up reimplementing part of the matcher in your own code to adjust the possible bounds of the match to make it more or less greedy. A pseudo-code general idea of this would be:
boolean match(String input, Matcher[] subpatterns, int matchStart, int matchEnd){
matcher = next matcher in list;
int stop = matchend;
if matcher.matches input from matchstart -> matchend{
if match(input, subpatterns, end of current match, end of string){
return true;
//make this match less greedy
//no match
return false;
You could then merge this idea with the anti-patterns, and have anti-subpatterns and after each subpattern match you check the next anti-pattern, if it matches you know you have failed, otherwise continue the matching pattern. You would likely want to return something like an enum instead of a boolean (i.e. ALL_MATCHED, PARTIAL_MATCH, ANTI_PATTERN_MATCH, ...)
Again depending on the complexity of your actual pattern that you are trying to match writing the appropriate sub patterns / anti-pattern may be difficult if not impossible.