Sometimes (in customer's PCs) I need a python script to execute in the Windows shell like a .CMD or .BAT, but without having the .py or .pyw extensions associated with PYTHON / PYTHONW.
I came out with a pair of 'quick'n dirty' solutions:
e:\devtool\python\python.exe %0 :: or %PYTHONPATH%\python.exe
goto eof:
# Python test
print "[works, but shows shell errors]"
@echo off
for /f "skip=4 delims=xxx" %%l in (%0) do @echo %%l | e:\devtools\python\python.exe
goto :eof
# Python test
print "[works better, but is somewhat messy]"
Do you know a better solution? (ie: more concise or elegant)
based on @van answer, the more concise way I found (without setting ERRORLEVEL)
@e:\devtools\python\python.exe -x "%~f0" %* & exit /b
### Python begins....
import sys
for arg in sys.argv:
print arg
raw_input("It works!!!\n")