



Ever since I started coding back in 2008 I was addicted to it and I still am today. Typically not a day goes by that I don't touch some code. What the hell is my point... I'll get to it soon I promise. I have been writing PHP for roughly a year, I absolutely love it and HTML for 2, and I can't get enough of them. However, I want to broaden my skill set to a larger field. At the moment, I find HTML really boring, in fact the UI (specifically HTML) is the portion of my projects I want to do the least. I know some Ruby, Python, java, C, and Perl; but I want to become as proficient in a few of these as I am in PHP.

I want to focus mainly on Ruby/ROR and learning Objective-C/Cocoa. I have books out of the ying-yang, but I have yet to fully finish reading any of them.

Finally what begs the question, how in the world can I focus on all of this yet at the same time keep doing what I am going with PHP (which is making medium size applications). I have the determination and I'm not going anywhere (I'm to young to like die or something), any tips?

+6  A: 

(This is really about productivity and not programming, but I think it deserves an answer) Find a project that you're so passionate about, that if you don't finish it right now you will go insane. Then find a piece of the project that you can finish tonight. Then find a smaller piece that you can finish before you go to dinner. Finish that piece. After that, don't break the chain.

Also, don't multitask. You think you're good at it, but you're not (don't worry, no one is).

Carlos Scheidegger
+1 for don't multitask
Would be a different story if you were! Wish i could multitask like a female, then things would be so much easier.... :)
Ditto on the +1 for don't multitask (and the other advice). Attempting to do everything at once has caused me to accomplish very little for a long time! Of course, it depends how much drive and focus you have (I'm a lethargic scatterbrain). YMMV.
+1 Really good advice.
Helper Method
Good advice, I think that I am going to focus mainly on Ruby and posibaly throw Objective-C in (as long as I don't explode due to access info), but take breaks in between each language so I do not get bored. For instance do some ruby today, Objective-C tomorrow then both the next day. I find that I am able to retain the little bit of information that I obtain very well especially when I reiterate what I learn.I suppose it will all work out in the end. Very good answer, made me think...