In a naive implementation of a thread pool, can a piece of code that is being executed read the data left by some previous code on the stack (if it was running on the same thread instance)? Also, are there any other inherent security issues connected to thread pools?
Because all of the threads are running in the same process already, even if it were possible, it's not a security issue. Security boundaries are at the process level (well, technically, it does depend on your OS, but that's how it works in all the mainstream OSes).
Dean Harding
2010-03-19 04:06:56
That's not how, say, Java or the "managed" subset of .Net work.
Tom Hawtin - tackline
2010-03-19 04:28:45
Well, given that neither Java nor .NET gives you direct access to memory, it doesn't really matter, either.
Dean Harding
2010-03-19 04:34:14