



Hi All,

I got RJS error: TypeError: element is null while using ajax.

I used in view

<%= periodically_call_remote(:url=>{:action=>'get_user_list', :id=>'1'},
:frequency => '5') %>

in controller

  render :update do |page|
    page.replace_html  'chat_area', :partial => 'chat_area', :object => [@chats, @user]     if @js_update

in partial chat_area

<% if [email protected]? && !show_div(@chats).blank?%>
    <% show_div_id=show_div(@chats) %>
  <% for chat in @chats %>
      <div class="popup" id="chat_area_<%= %>"
style="display:<%= ( == show_div_id)? 'block' : 'none' %>;">

        <% form_remote_for(:chat, :url => {:controller=>'chats',
:action=>'create', :id=>1}, :html=>{:name => "form_#{}"},
:complete=>"resetContent('#{}');") do |f| %>
        <div style="display:none;">
            <%= f.hidden_field :sessionNo, :value=>chat.sessionNo %>
            <%= f.text_area :chatContent,  :id=>
"chatContent_field_#{}", :cols=>"100", :rows=>"6",
:onKeyPress=>"return submitenter(this,event);" %>
            <input type="image" src="images/chat/send-hover.png"
value="Send" onclick="return submit_button('<%= %>')"/>
        <% end %>

  <% end %>

<% else %>
      <div class="popup" id="chat_area_none" style="display:'block';">
          <input type="image" disabled ="disabled"
src="images/chat/send.png" style="cursor:default;" value="Send" />
<% end %>

My div present in index.html.erb

      <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="left" width="80%" valign="top" style="">
              <%= text_area :chat, :chatContent,  :id=> "chatContent_field", :cols=>"100", :rows=>"6" %>
            <td align="left" width="20%" valign="bottom" style="padding-left:10px;padding-left:10px;x" >
              <div id="chat_area">
                 <%= render :partial => 'chat_area' %>

Any help is appreciated.


Salil Gaikwad

+1  A: 

This means that RJS is attempting to manipulate something in html output that doesn't exist.

It looks like the problem is that you want to update your user_list but nothing with that id exists in your html. Make sure you are rendering that, also make sure you have the update attribute in your periodically_call_remote method set to the id of the element you want to update.

periodically_call_remote(:url => { :action => 'get_user_list' }, :update => 'get_user_list')
Joseph Silvashy
+1  A: 

Hi All,

I find it out why it happens because I didn't close div above the "chat_area" properly. the only thing i did isclose the div and it works like a magic, neways thanks to all


Salil Gaikwad
