Clojure structs can be arbitrarily extended, adding new fields.
Is it possible to extend types (created using deftype) in a similar way?
EDIT: For the benefit future visitors, as Brian pointed out below, this feature is subject to change.
Clojure structs can be arbitrarily extended, adding new fields.
Is it possible to extend types (created using deftype) in a similar way?
EDIT: For the benefit future visitors, as Brian pointed out below, this feature is subject to change.
Actually you can treat types as maps, you just need to extend clojure.lang.IPersistentMap (an implementation is magically supplied).
(deftype A [a b]
(A 1 2) ;; => #:A{:a 1, :b 2}
(assoc (A 1 2) :c 3) ;; => #:A{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}