



I want to mark a method as "debug step through" even if an exception is thrown (and catched within) the function.

This is because 99% of the times I know this function will throw an exception (Assembly.GetTypes), and since this function is in a library I wish to hide this normal exception. (Why did MS not add an exceptionless GetTypes() call?)

I have tried this but it still breaks the code when debugging:

private Type[] GetTypesIgnoreMissing(Assembly ass) {
    Type[] typs;
     try {
         typs = ass.GetTypes();
     catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) {
         typs = ex.Types;
     var newlist = new List<Type>();

     foreach (var type in typs) {
         if (type != null) newlist.Add(type);

     return newlist.ToArray();

Anyone know of a way to make this method 100% stepthrough even if ass.GetTypes() throw an exception in debug mode? It has to step through even when "Break on Thrown exceptions" is on. (I do not need to know I can explicitly choose to ignore that exact type of exception in the IDE)