



I'm using this code to check if the standard toolbar is deactivated in the edit mode.

CommandBarControl oNewMenu = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").FindControl(1, 18, 1, True, True)

If (IsNull(oNewMenu)) Then

        MsgBox "Edit mode enabled"

End If

but the FindControl function raise an error. Is there any conflict in the parameters?


I'm confused because the first statement will never compile. Moreover when evaluating existence of an object you should use 'Is Nothing' instead of 'IsNull'. Anyway try this:

Const CTRL_NEW = 2520

Dim oControl As CommandBarControl

Set oControl = CommandBars("Standard").FindControl(Id:=CTRL_NEW)

If Not oControl Is Nothing Then ' Control New is present in Standard bar'
    MsgBox "Edit mode " & IIf(oControl.Enabled, "enabled", "disabled"), vbInformation
End If
Emiel Nijhuis