



The below example generates an error:

VBScript compilation error: Cannot use parentheses when calling a Sub

This error does not occur if all parameters are not objects.

Is there a special way to pass object parameters to VBScript functions?

Option Explicit

Dim obj

Function TestFunc(obj)
 WScript.Echo "Why doesn't this work?"
End Function

Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
obj.Add("key", "val")

TestFunc(obj) ' Error here!

This line

obj.Add("key", "val")

is causing the issue

change to

obj.Add "key", "val"

obj.Add is a sub which like the error says you can't use parens but your TestFunc is a function and can be called with parens

You can only use parenthesis when a function returns a value (or the sub/function only takes 1 parameter). Simply using the function keyword is not enough.
+1  A: 

Only use parenthesis when you get a return value. Also use Sub instead of Function for functions that don't return something.

This worked. The function I'm using actually does return a value but I was not assigning it to anything. If I assign the return value or remove the parenthesis, it works. The behavior is quite odd but I'm not surprised given how long VBScript has been around. Thanks.

Parenthesis can only be used when..

  1. You are calling a function that returns a value.
  2. When the sub/function you are calling only takes 1 parameter.
  3. If you precede the call with the Call keyword eg. Call TestFunc(obj)