I can't figure out how to get the same result from my Javscript as I do from my PHP. In particular, Javascript always leaves out the backslashes. Please ignore the random forward and backslashes; I put them there so that I can cover my basis on a windows system or any other system. Output:
Input String: "/root\wp-cont ent\@*%'i@$@%$&^(@#@''mage6.jpg:"
/root\wp-content\image6.jpg (PHP Output)
/rootwp-contentimage6.jpg (Javscript Output)
I would appreciate any help!
$path ="/root\wp-cont ent\@*%'i@$@%$&^(@#@''mage6.jpg:";
$path = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\\\\/\.-]/", "", $path);
echo $path;
<script type="text/javascript">
var path = "/root\wp-cont ent\@*%'i@$@%$&^(@#@''mage6.jpg:"; //exact same string as PHP
var regx = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\/-]/g;
path = path.replace(regx,"");