I'm with Remus on all the "depends", but would just add that after choosing this design for a table/entity, you must also have a good process for determining what is "standard" and what is "details" for an entity.
Misplacing something as a detail which should be standard is probably the worst thing. Because you can't require a row to exist as easily as requiring a column to exist (big complex trigger code). Setting a default on a type of row is a lot harder (big complex constraint code). And indexing is also not easy either (sparse index, maybe?).
Misplacing something as a standard which should be a detail is less of a mistake, just taking up extra row space and potentially not being able to have a meaningful default.
If your details are very weakly structured, you could consider using an XML column for the "details" and still be able to query them using XPath/XQuery.
As a general rule, I would not use this pattern for every entity table, but only entity tables which have certain requirements and usage patterns which fit this solution's benefits well.