While playing with Linq Group By statements using both DataSet and Linq-to-Sql DataContext, I get different results with the following VB.NET 10 code:
#If IS_DS = True Then
Dim myData = GetOrdersDS
Dim myData = GetNwDataContext
#End If
Dim MyList = From o In myData.Orders _
Join od In myData.Order_Details On o.OrderID Equals od.OrderID _
Join e In myData.Employees On o.EmployeeID Equals e.EmployeeID ) _
Group By FullOrder = New With _
{ _
.OrderId = od.OrderID, _
.EmployeeName = (e.FirstName & " " & e.LastName), _
.ShipCountry = o.ShipCountry, _
.OrderDate = o.OrderDate _
} _
Into Amount = Sum(od.Quantity * od.UnitPrice) _
Where FullOrder.ShipCountry = "Venezuela" _
Order By FullOrder.OrderId _
Select FullOrder.OrderId, _
FullOrder.OrderDate, _
FullOrder.EmployeeName, _
For Each x In MyList _
Console.WriteLine( _
String.Format( _
"{0}; {1:d}; {2}: {3:c}", _
x.OrderId, _
x.OrderDate, _
x.EmployeeName, _
With Linq-to-SQL, the grouping works properly, however, the DataSet code doesn't group properly. Both the DataSet and DataContext were created in the usual Draggy-Droppy way that Microsoft loves to use in demonstrations.
Here are the functions that I call to create the DataSet and Linq-to-Sql DataContext
Private Function GetOrdersDS() As NorthwindDS
Dim ds As New NorthwindDS
Dim ota As New OrdersTableAdapter
Dim otda As New Order_DetailsTableAdapter
Dim eda As New EmployeesTableAdapter
Return ds
End Function
Private Function GetNwDataContext() As NorthwindL2SDataContext
Dim s As New My.MySettings
Return New NorthwindL2SDataContext(s.NorthwindConnectionString)
End Function
What am I missing? If it should work, how do I make it work, if it can't work, why not (what interface isn't implemented, etc)?
ADDITIONAL: (2010-03-22) I have noticed that if I call AsEnumerable on Orders when using Linq-to-Sql, I get the same bad behavior as the DataSet.
Dim MyList = From o In myData.Orders.AsEnumerable ...
It does work properly if I call AsEnumerable on Order_Details or Employees. My guess is that some method in some interface is not implemented the way GroupBy likes it. But I don't know which one.