hi, i working with pdf files, and i have some code to read from a pdf file,, but is there a way to read line by line from the pdf file( not pages ) ,, using Pypdf,, Python 2.6 ,, on windows ???
here is the code for reading the pdf pages::
import pyPdf
def getPDFContent(path):
content = ""
num_pages = 10
p = file(path, "rb")
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(p)
for i in range(0, num_pages):
content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + "\n"
content = " ".join(content.replace(u"\xa0", " ").strip().split())
return content
the call code is this::
f= open('test.txt','w')
pdfl = getPDFContent("test.pdf").encode("ascii", "ignore")