



I am tryıng to create new object of other class ın a for loop. like

for(int i =0;i<10;i++){
 Computer  p1=new Computer(10,20);

and when I try anywhere to reach p1.someAction(); it say you must declare p1. But if I declare it on top of program how can I create again in loop? I also try only Computer p1; but it gave exeption ..

+3  A: 

p1 only exists within the scope of the containing block. i.e. within {...}.

So you either need to use p1 within this block, or (and I suspect this is what you want) store each Computer object in a collection (say, an ArrayList) and use them outside the loop.


List<Computer> ps = new ArrayList<Computer>();
for(int i =0;i<10;i++){
 ps.add(new Computer(10,20));
// now use the list contents here...
Brian Agnew
)) Aa... yes..I have already list of this object.I didnt thougt get from them list..))Thanks was stupid question ))