




I'm just starting with Object Oriented PHP and I have the following issue:

I have a class that contains a function that contains a certain script. I need to call a variable located in that script within another function further down the same class.

For example:

class helloWorld {

function sayHello() {
     echo "Hello";
     $var = "World";

function sayWorld() {
     echo $var;


in the above example I want to call $var which is a variable that was defined inside a previous function. This doesn't work though, so how can I do this?


I do not know php all that well, but there are a couple of ways. You should be able to declare a global variable then you should be able to access it. You also should be able to pass variables to functions.

+5  A: 

you should create the var in the class, not in the function, because when the function end the variable will be unset (due to functoin termination)...

class helloWorld {

private $var;

function sayHello() {
     echo "Hello";
     $this->var = "World";

function sayWorld() {
     echo $this->var;


If you declare the Variable as public, it's accessible directly by all the others classes, whereas if you declare the variable as private, it's accessible only in the same class..

 Class First {
  private $a;
  public $b;

  public function create(){
    $this->a=1; //no problem
    $thia->b=2; //no problem

  public function geta(){
    return $this->a;
  private function getb(){
    return $this->b;

 Class Second{

  function test(){
    $a=new First; //create object $a that is a First Class.
    $a->create(); // call the public function create..
    echo $a->b; //ok in the class the var is public and it's accessible by everywhere
    echo $a->a; //problem in hte class the var is private
    echo $a->geta(); //ok the A value from class is get through the public function, the value $a in the class is not dicrectly accessible
    echo $a->getb(); //error the getb function is private and it's accessible only from inside the class
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

Make $var a class variable:

class HelloWorld {

    var $var;

    function sayHello() {
        echo "Hello";
        $this->var = "World";

    function sayWorld() {
        echo $this->var;


I would avoid making it a global, unless a lot of other code needs to access it; if it's just something that's to be used within the same class, then that's the perfect candidate for a class member.

If your sayHello() method was subsequently calling sayWorld(), then an alternative would be to pass the argument to that method.
