OK, Ive got a bit further with this. Code at the ASP end is:
var PostedDataSize = Request.TotalBytes ;
var PostedData = Request.BinaryRead (PostedDataSize) ;
var PostedDataStream = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Stream") ;
PostedDataStream.Open ;
PostedDataStream.Type = 1 ; // binary
PostedDataStream.Write (PostedData) ;
Response.Write ("PostedDataStream.Size = " + PostedDataStream.Size + "<br>") ;
var XML = AmazonAWSPUTRequest (BucketName, AWSDestinationFileID, PostedDataStream) ;
function AmazonAWSPUTRequest (Bucket, Filename, InputStream)
XMLHttp.open ("PUT", URL + FRequest, false) ;
XMLHttp.setRequestHeader (....
XMLHttp.setRequestHeader (....
Response.Write ("InputStream.Size = " + InputStream.Size + "<br>") ;
XMLHttp.send (InputStream) ;
So I use BinaryRead, write it to a binary stream. If I write out the size of the stream I get the size of the file I POST'ed from my application, so I reckon the data is in there somewhere. I then call a routine (with the stream as a parameter) which sets up the AWS authentication/signing and does a PUT.
The AWS call returns no errors and a file of the correct name is created in the right place, but it has a size of zero! InputStream.Size has a value the same as the stream parameter passed to the routine - i.e. the size of the original file.
Any ideas?
POSTSCRIPT. Found the problem. It's caught me a few times with streams, this one. When you write data to a stream, don't forget to reset the stream position back to zero before trying to read from the stream again. I.e. just before the line:
XMLHttp.send (InputStream) ;
I needed to add:
InputStream.Position = 0 ;
My thanks for the interest and suggestions.