You don't really need a server-side library. Accepting POSTs and GETs from AJAX is the same as accepting them the "old fashioned" way. What is key here are good design patterns.
I commonly use a single function to dispatch my simple Ajax calls in Javascript (I use Prototype):
function fetch(elelment,cmd,id) {
//general purpose AJAX function
$(elelment).innerHTML='Loading...<br /><img src="/images/spinner.gif">'
now = new Date()
url = 'http://..../Ajax.asp?CMD='+cmd+'&ID='+pid+'&now='+now
new Ajax.Updater(elelment, url, { method: 'get' });
Then on the server side I typically use a select case, break it down by command, fetch the record by the passed ID, and spit out an HTML fragment. I usually build a function to spit out any JSON I need separately.