



i've always wanted to make games but did not start actively learning programming by myself until 1st year of university.

i kept going throughout university learning new languages, showing off things i had made, while neglecting my major in Biology.

Anyways, i've ended up with an Economics degree, with a portfolio of SaaS and web apps i had created so i could eat during my final year.

So far, I'm getting a few interviews here and there in web programming positions. When I get a logic pretest, I fail miserably. or job requires comp sci degree.

I mean I can easily design and code an entire app which I emphasize through my portfolio.... but i dont know why I am so slow at logic puzzles on prescreening interview...

So what should I do now ?

get certificates in languages ? go back to school and learn CS ?

is it too late to get into windows programming jobs than web programming ?

UPDATE: i've decided to go back to school and get a CS degree. i already have a degree, so I can actually finish a CS degree (if i dont fail) in about 1.5 years (including coop).


Unfortunately, I think you're too late... I believe that you couldn't get really good at application programming - since you don't have the real interest. If you had, you'd already have spent countless nights not eating. :)

Jonas Byström
I don't think it's really ever too late in life to do something (career-wise including). There are countless numbers of stories of people who have successfully transitioned to something they really enjoy doing.
I don't think learning application programming at the age of 25 is going to take your skills higher then mediocre. I base that on adolescents' learning abilities, the time you have to invest to learn it good enough and the fact that the only *true* reason to not have done it before is lack of complete, consuming interest.
Jonas Byström
+1  A: 

I don't think you need to go back to school and learn CS. What you need to do is keep reading about new technologies and use them. Certificates are a very good idea since you don't have a CS degree (it will show potential employers that you take this seriously)

+8  A: 

Keep at it. You have the right attitude.

What you missed from not getting a CS degree is experience with data structures and probably algorithms as well. This lack of knowledge is likely surfacing when you are asked a logic question during an interview.

Perfect knowledge of data-structures and algorithms doesn't imply ability to solve logic puzzles. Nor the other way around. But learning data structures gets you thinking about programming at a much lower level. And when you are programming at a much lower level, logic is implicitly how programs are solved.

Do the following:

  • 1) Go buy a book on data structures. Preferably one that emphasizes programming in C or C++. Read that book and solve every homework program using pure C (so you don't accidentally use a collection class from .NET or Java).

  • 2) Challenge yourself to be able to solve all of the following problems without having to do any memorization. (They're just random programming problems I've asked in interviewers at one point in time or another.)

    • Write a program to insert an element into a linked list. (You do know what a linked list is right? If not, see the book you bought).

    • Write a program that sorts an array of integers. You did a bubble sort? Great. Now do it again with quicksort or mergesort. Why are these implementations faster?

    • Write your own implementation of malloc() and free() that manage a fixed block of memory (say 1 MB). Now write a stress test function that allocates blocks of random sizes (1-10KB each) using your functions and dumps random data in each block. Can you keep your code from crashing?

3) Finally, what's stopping you from writing your own games for fun? Seriously, you'll learn as much from writing your own version of Space Invaders as you would from the homework outlined above.

Master all the above in your spare time. This time next year, you'll be nailing those logic questions in interviews and you won't even know why.

i've decided to go back to school and get a CS degree. i already have a degree, so I can actually finish a CS degree (if i dont fail) in about 1.5 years (including coop).

Programming Interviews Exposed would be my suggestion for a book to help get you through the whiteboard problems if that is where you are doing poorly. Another idea would be to look up various logic problems and see if you can find the patterns in them so that you'd do better with them in the future.

IMO, if you want to get into windows programming, that is even more likely to require a CS degree. If you went back and got that then I could see you have more success in becoming a windows programmer if that is what you want to pursue.

JB King

Infact I am in your similar lines. I was not having a degree in computer science when I finished my under graduate program. My specilization was Electronics and Communication. I came into the programming industry and I have been coding for the past 4 years in Java. I wanted to get a degree in Computer Science somehow.

So I opted for a MS Programme in Software Systems through distance learning. As "selbie" suggested, it is vital to have a thorough understanding of data structures. So I started a website on my own on working with Data structures through the language I've known : Java and I am able to constantly improve my technical skills.

So I would suggest its never late. Go out explore some opportunities through professional certifications, actively participate in this powerful community (Seriously, the stuff you learn here and the knowledge of people you deal/interact with is simply stunning, I have benefited loads from StackOverflow!!). And never give up your passion just because you had a degree in Biology.

Work occupies almost more than half of our day to day lives. So we should love them. We cannot go about loving anything unless we really have an urge to do so. The work should drive you rather you driving the work. All the best in your job hunt!
