Setting attributes on a standard model does not cause any SELECT
calls as far as I am aware. This is further seen to be true when I run log concurrently with a script/console session:
>> f = Forum.first
==> ./log/development.log <==
Forum Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `forums` ORDER BY title asc LIMIT 1
Forum Columns (12.6ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `forums`
=> #<Forum id: 1, title: "Welcome to rBoard!", description: "This is an example forum for Rboard.", is_visible_to_id: nil, topics_created_by_id: nil, position: 1, parent_id: nil, last_post_id: 1, last_post_forum_id: nil, topics_count: 1, posts_count: 4, category_id: nil, active: true, open: true>
>> f.attributes
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> f.attributes = _
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
You can see here that there is only two SQL queries that get executed, one to fetch the Forum
record and the other to find out what columns are on the forums
It is not until I save it that it does some queries:
>> f.attributes
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> attr = _
=> {"position"=>1, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> attr["position"] = 2
=> 2
SQL (0.2ms) BEGIN
=> true
>> SQL (0.2ms) COMMIT
f.attributes = attr
=> {"position"=>2, "is_visible_to_id"=>nil, "open"=>true, "topics_count"=>1, "title"=>"Welcome to rBoard!", "last_post_forum_id"=>nil, "posts_count"=>4, "id"=>1, "category_id"=>nil, "parent_id"=>nil, "topics_created_by_id"=>nil, "last_post_id"=>1, "description"=>"This is an example forum for Rboard.", "active"=>true}
>> WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id
SQL (0.2ms) BEGIN
Forum Update (20.3ms) UPDATE `forums` SET `position` = 2 WHERE `id` = 1
SQL (27.2ms) COMMIT
=> true