I've got a stand alone, headless, java server app that does a bunch of queue-based processing against a database that I'm thinking of migrating into a java app server. I've got plenty of back-end java experience and a bit of JSP, but not a lot of servlet experience.
It seems like the approach would be to just wrap my app into a servlet and have it deploy on startup (and make sure that it only one instance gets deployed).
Few questions:
1) Since my app doesn't have any HTTP (or other) request/response mechanism, would it be silly to implement a servlet that has no URL mappings? Looking at the API, would I just implement a GenericServlet and just leave the service() method empty?
2) Another portion of my java app opens/manages it's own network sockets (non-HTTP) to accept a stream of incoming data. I think it would take quite a bit of work to get it to fit into the servlet request/response model. Is it ok that a servlet opens/manages its own network sockets?
3) We also have a bunch of web apps (currently in coldfusion) that are not very well integrated with the java app (in that they can only communicate via the DB). We are looking at railo (another servlet) and I'm trying to figure out how easy it would be for the coldfusion/railo apps (running in the same app server) to communicate directly with each other. Maybe a web page that displays current runtime stats/metrics of the java engine, and eventually invoking some of the business logic in the java engine as well.
Thanks, Brian