




I need to use reflection to get the binding value in a control that is a DataGridTemplateColumn (e.g HyperLinkButton). Does anyone know how I might do this? It seems simple enough to do this with a TextBlock because it has a “TextProperty” dependency property, but I can’t seem to get a binding expression from a control that does not have an immediate “TextProperty”. Here is the code I’m using to acquire the binding expression for a TextBlock:

FrameworkElement fe = (FrameworkElement)dependencyObj;
FieldInfo fi = fe.GetType().GetField("TextProperty");
BindingExpression bindingExpression = fe.GetBindingExpression((DependencyProperty)fi.GetValue(null))

However, the following code never works for a dependency object that is a HyperLinkButton:

FieldInfo fi = fe.GetType().GetField("ContentProperty");

Does anyone know how I might be able to get the BindingExpression (and binding value) for the content of a HyperLinkButton?



+1  A: 

have you tried adding the correct binding flags for that field? It sounds like a case of inadaquate binding flags when using reflection. TextBlock has a the Text static field right on TextBlock, where as HyperlinkButton has Content inherited from ContentControl.

Try using the Static & Public & FlattenedHierarchy binding flags:

FieldInfo fi = fe.GetType().GetField("ContentProperty", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

adding the FlattenHierarchy reflection binding flag should tell reflection to look up in the class hierarchy to find that public static field.

Hi Justin,Thanks for your help. With the addition of that particular flags enum, I was able to solve the issue.