Generics are there to provide type safety in places where you didn't previously have any in Java. So it used to be that if you had a list full of Strings you had to do:
String myString = (String)myList.get(0);
but now you can retrieve it without casting it:
String myString = myList.get(0); //Compiler won't complain
When you generify using the variable T, you are saying T is a placeholder for a specific type, which will be defined on the instance of the class at instantiation time. For instance:
public class ArrayList<T> {
public ArrayList<T> {
allows you to instantiate the list with:
ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
Now every function on ArrayList will return a String, and the compiler knows this so it doesn't require a cast. Each of those functions was defined much like yours above:
public T get(int index);
public void set(int index, T object);
at compile time they become:
public String get(int index);
public void set(int index, String object);
In your case, however, you seem to be trying to use T as a wildcard, which is different from a placeholder for a specific type. You might call this method three times for three different fields, each of which has a different return type, right? This means that, when you instantiate this class, you cannot pick a single type for T.
In general, look at your method signatures and ask yourself "will a single type be substituted for T for each instance of this class"?
public static <T> T getField(Object obj, Class c, String fieldName)
If the answer is "no", that means this is not a good fit for Generics. Since each call will return a different type, you have to cast the results from the call. If you cast it inside this function, you're losing any benefits Generics would provide, and might as well save yourself the headaches.
If I've misunderstood your design, and T does refer to a single type, then simply annotating the call with @SuppressWarnings(value="unchecked") will do the trick. But if I've understood correctly, fixing this error will just lead you to a long road of confusion unless you grok what I've written above.
Good luck!