I need something light, so no EJB or Seam.
Would you care to explain what makes EJBs heavy since EJB3? Do you realize that we are not in 2004 anymore? I'd really like to read your definition of light and your arguments (and I will update my answer with pleasure because I'm pretty sure I would have a few solid things to say).
On the other hand I need JPA (Hibernate or alternative) and JSF with IceFaces.
Java EE 6 Web Profile which includes JSF 2.0, JPA 2.0, Bean Validation, EJB 3.1 Lite, CDI,... would be perfect for this and you can use GlassFish v3 Web Profile to run an application built with the Java EE 6 Web Profile.
Do you think that such stack on Spring 3 deployed on Tomcat is a good choice? Or a JEE6 web application could be better?
Well, I like the idea to run my code on a non-proprietary platform (Java EE) rather than on a proprietary container (Spring). And I think that Java EE 6 is good enough (and this is an euphemism, EJB 3.1 (Lite), JPA 2.0, JSF 2.0, CDI kick ass). Note that I was a JSF skeptic but I took a second look and JSF 2.0 with CDI is so different that I can't even compare. And if you didn't look at CDI, let me tell you that it rocks.
I'm afraid that JEE6 is a new technology, not well documented yet.
Java EE looks pretty well documented to me. This sounds like free claim. And, believe me or not, I start to find Spring getting complicated while Java EE getting easier.
Tomcat seems to be easier to maintain than Glassfish 3.
Did you try something? Did you face any particular problem? Again, this sounds like free claim.