



I need to replace some text in a JNLP file using a DOS batch file to tune it for the local machine.

The problem is that the search pattern contains an equals sign which is messing up the string replacement in the batch file.

I want to replace the line,

<j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="100M" max-heap-size="100M"/>

with specific settings for the initial and max heap sizes.

For example at the moment I have,

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (%filePath%agility.jnlp) do (
set str=%%a
set str=!str:initial-heap-size="100M"=initial-heap-size="%min%M"!
echo !str!>>%filePath%new.jnlp)

but the = in the search pattern is being read as part of the replacement command.

How do I escape the equals sign so it is processed as text?


Here's an alternative solution. If you can afford to download GNU tools, you can use sed:

C:\test>set a=200
C:\test>sed -i.bak "s/^\(.*initial-heap-size=\"\).*\( max.*\)/\1%a%\"\2/" file 
Looks like the cleanest way of doing it without having to install the full cygwin
+1  A: 

The best solution is to download and install Cygwin or GNUWin32 but, if you're really limited to the standard command processor, it can get a little messy.

This is not the fastest method in the world but it's at least functional. This command file processes each line one character at a time, treating specially the case where you find the stanza you're looking for.

@echo off
set init=50M
set max=75M
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (agility.jnlp) do (
    set str1=%%a
    call :morph
    echo !str2!>>agility_new.jnlp
    echo !str2!
goto :eof

    set str2=
    if not "x!str1!"=="x" (
        if "!str1:~0,18!"=="initial-heap-size=" (
            set str2=!str2!initial-heap-size="!init!"
            set str1=!str1:~24!
            goto :morph1
        if "!str1:~0,14!"=="max-heap-size=" (
            set str2=!str2!max-heap-size="!max!"
            set str1=!str1:~20!
            goto :morph1
        set str2=!str2!!str1:~0,1!
        set str1=!str1:~1!
        goto :morph1
    goto :eof

With the input file:

<j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="100M" max-heap-size="100M"/>
next line

you end up with:

<j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="50M" max-heap-size="75M"/>
next line