



Hi, I'm looking for a small and yet efficient enough lightweight JMS broker solution with no or minimum of dependencies. My messaging code should be running in the environment with a lot of dependencies I have no control of. Thus it would make ridiculous to deploy say ActiveMQ solution along with my custom bunch of classes. Thanks for your time.

+1  A: 

I assume that you are looking for lightweight solutions for JMS provider and dont want go with (EMS, Apache etc.) but still need to use JMS.

Have a look at this may be this is what you need.

+1  A: 

Currently I'm investigating FFMQ solution. It's open source (GNU LGPL license), has only 4 dependencies (commons-logging, log4j, jms and jmx), and it's mature enough to accomplish my goals.

+2  A: 

Especially if you're using spring, don't count activemq out. You can also run it as an embedded server, and it isn't really all that heavyweight.

Look at:

Andrew B
My code is running in a healthy server environment with the fixed set of dependencies. Usage of Spring container along with ActiveMQ broker would compromise server (dependencies could be overridden, possible class loading issues etc). So I ruled out such heavy solutions in the first place
You don't necessarily have to use spring in this configuration. You can start the embedded broker purely from java. By itself, activemq doesn't have many external dependencies. That said, I understand what you're saying about trying to keep things as lightweight as possible.
Andrew B
I tried to deploy ActiveMQ at first, but it has crashed the ecosystem of my server. It proved to have just enough of dependencies to break it))
That and every solaris server I have tried to get ActiveMQ on it crashes after a few days with no errors being reported.