



Hi, i', trying to make a simple 3d game for android, and i want to use jmonkeyengine, Can i do this? How can i do it? Someboy can show me an example?



Currently, there's no version of jME1/2 for Android phones, although we are trying to transfer a version of jME 2 to Android (we're apparently 50% of the way through the porting process, but apparently they've tried this before). We're going to be switching to Ardor3D soon, however. Apparently, Android has been confirmed for jME3, but don't get your hopes up -- they promise lots and I'm expecting they won't deliver (they scrapped the project code for jME3, started again, and it hasn't got the same guy in charge -- he left for Ardor3D). Go with Ardor3D and see what happens in the future. More stuff:

Chris Dennett