



Hello all,

I am a bit stucked constructing a dynamic query using the CriteriaBuilder of JPA 2.0.

I have quite a common use case I guess: User supplies a arbitrary amount of search parameters X to be and / or concatenated: like :

select e from Foo where (name = X1 or name = X2 .. or name = Xn )

The Method or of CriteriaBuilder is not dynamic:

Predicate or(Predicate... restrictions)

Ideas? Samples?

+2  A: 

In your case, I would rather use Expression#in(Collection) to avoid having to loop and to build a compound Predicate dynamically:

CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();

CriteriaQuery<Foo> cq = cb.createQuery(Foo.class);
Metamodel m = em.getMetamodel();
EntityType<Foo> Foo_ = m.entity(Foo.class);
Root<Foo> foo = cq.from(Foo_);

You might want to check Basic Type-Safe Queries Using the Criteria API and Metamodel API for more details.

Pascal Thivent


in this code is going to give compilation error. As the field is not declared in that. I'm not able to understand this. Please suggest me.


The above example is based on a metamodel of the persistence unit's managed classes (that can be generated using an annotation processor provided by the JPA implementation). But please, don't post questions as answers in existing thread, open a new question instead.
Pascal Thivent